New Website

I was long overdue for a website refresh, so here it is! Though I had been avoiding the tedium of looking through new and old work, the process actually gave me a lot of insight into what I really like in my own work and what I'd like to make in the future. As much as I like to keep creating and not dwelling on old projects, digging through so many images was unexpectedly fun.  There were old images I found that I've been dying to revisit, and some pretty cool sketches for screen prints that got lost in the shuffle. I kept stumbling across photos of paintings I had forgotten about, and pieces I had never scanned sitting in drawers. There were some pieces that I found embarrassing (either old or poorly made), but that reminded me of where I was and who I was when I made it. I think about my old studio apartment in downtown Oakland where I lived when I started my Etsy shop, the first time I tried Holbein acrylic gouache, the period when I went to Mission Grafica on Wednesdays to burn my screens, the first Renegade Craft Fair I participated in,  and so on. Side note: I'm a hopelessly nostalgic person. Finally, under all the piles and amongst all the renegade JPEGS hiding on my computer, I've gathered a selection of images of which I'm proud to say, "I made this!".

 Next it's time to clean up my studio.

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